Epistaxis or nosebleeds can occur spontaneously or follow trauma or irritation in the nose. Common causes are nose picking and drying of the nasal lining.
Epistaxis or nosebleeds can occur spontaneously or follow trauma or irritation in the nose. Common causes are nose picking and drying of the nasal lining.
Constant tearing is real. The condition is called epiphora. Causes can be from overproduction of tears or poor drainage into the nose leading to tearing down the face.
Tonsillitis refers to inflammation of the two round structures at the back of the throat. Inflammation is associated with pain, swelling, redness and fever. The inflammation can be caused by bacteria or viruses. Treatment is given depending on the cause.
Hearing loss (HL) in children can be congenital ( birth defects ) or acquired. 60 % of the causes are preventable but even in the 40 %, appropriate and timely interventions can help ensure that the child reaches their full potential. See other posts on HL on the news feed.